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Saturday, Jun 8, 2024 Parshas Bamidbar 2 Sivan, 5784
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What Happened to All Our Prayers? What Happened to All Our Tears? SPECIAL FOR THE NINE DAYS!
Speaker:   Alter, Rabbi Avrohom M.
Series: Hashkafah -Thought
Lecture Details:  In Memory of : Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaer, Eyal Yifrah, & the IDF Kedoshim who gave their lives for Klal Yisroel! Hy"d Previously when we've prayed, cried, beseeched heaven for salvation or reprieve from illness or death, even if our teffilos weren't answered affirmatively, at least we imagined a tug of war with the heavenly court weighing our prayers, counting our tears, in a balance effecting Divine justice. Perhaps our efforts lengthened the days of the sick or lessened their pain and suffering. In some way we trusted that our prayers made a difference. But regarding Naftali, Gilad and Eyal, Hy"d, sadly even before a single prayer could be uttered, before the very first teardrop could fall, it was already too late! The heartbreaking Divine Judgment had already been implemented rmn"l! So we wonder, were all our prayers in vain, "teffilos shav" for naught? Were all the flood waters of tears wasted on a Fete Complete? Please click on the link for this week's special Hashkafa Shiur in preparation for the 9 days / Tisha B'av and for some miraculous stories from the front lines of the Gaza war
Library: Migdal Torah  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 50 min.
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