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Friday, Jun 7, 2024 Parshas Bamidbar 1 Sivan, 5784
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Project Genesis
Busy Adults and Real Gemara Learning
Speaker:   Multiple Speakers
Series: Convention 2013
Lecture Details:  Rabbi Dani Brett, Rabbi Ayson Englander Convention 2013 Part 1: Professionals Beis Medrash Rabbi Dani Brett, Professionals Beis Medrash, Cape Town, South Africa Rabbi Gabi Brett, Professionals Beis Medrash, London, UK The Professional Beis Medrash Gemara Literacy Program was designed to enable busy adults, with limited time to develop the skills and confidence necessary for them to engage in Gemara learning in an authentic, deep fashion. The PBM program is now a sensation in many professional communities throughout the world spanning three continents. Today, hundreds of professionals who never imagined they could read a Gemara, let alone understand it, are poring over pages of Gemara and navigating the unique seas of Talmudic logic. The goal of this game changer is certainly ambitious. Developing the skills to study Gemara independently requires commitment and some hard work. However it is also immensely rewarding and enjoyable. PBM can help you meet the challenge. Part 2: Fundamentals of Talmud Rabbi Ayson Englander, Baltimore, MD Fundamentals of Talmud teaches the skills needed to learn Gemara. This program is one-of-a-kind. It is a complete Gemara learning system, created to imbue the student with a feeling of success in his learning, and to teach the necessary learning skills in a clear and systematic manner. To the beginner, a regular page of Gemara is foreboding and imposing. Most give up trying even before they start. The “Fundamentals of Talmudâ€? provides a system by which even a beginner can access essential Talmudic skills.
Library: Association for Jewish Outreach Programs  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 15 min.
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