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Saturday, Jun 8, 2024 Parshas Bamidbar 2 Sivan, 5784
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Chareidio Global News July 13 2008[20080713]
Speaker:   Lipman, Michoel
Series: Chareidio Brief Profile
Lecture Details:  Chareidio Global News- July 13th 2008 US ok to State of Israel to prepare for military confrontation with Iran- Hezbollah delivers report on Ron Arad- Olmert corruption probe expanded- El Al to raise fares- Israeli police report on response to bulldozer terror attack- Egyptian border police kill Bedouin man escorting migrants- Syria and Lebanon exchange embassies- Iraq and Turkey sign pact- Militants ambush convoy in Pakistan- Somali militants kill aid workers- Bus attack in Sri Lanka- Chinese authorities arrest suspected terrorists- South Korean tourist killed in North Korea restricted zone- China and Russia veto resolution on Zimbabwe sanctions- General David Petraeus promoted- Germans weigh in on Obama Brandenburg Gate request- Pentagon analyst gets five years for espionage- US Senate approves surveillance powers act- Arrests at large poultry plant in South Carolina- Salmonella outbreak in US- Russian astronauts fix malfunctioning device in space- Coral reefs dying according to scientists- World's most expensive house sold in French Riviera- Jerusalem weather
Library: Chareidio  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 6 min. More Info
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