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Saturday, Jun 8, 2024 Parshas Bamidbar 2 Sivan, 5784
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Project Genesis
Shemos - 2006 - Afflictions: A Means of Growth
Speaker:   Kohn, Mrs. Leah
Series: Parsha
Lecture Details:  We know that when the Jewish people arrived in Egypt, they were on a very high level spiritually. They had not yet been commanded in Torah Mitzvot, and were the only people in all of Egypt who distanced themselves from the vanities and enticements of this world. So why did they have to go down to Egypt and why did they suffer so much? Why was a harsh enslavement the response that they got for being so unique and so special? It seems that had they been given the right circumstances that they would have thrived. This class explores the idea that not all pain is punishment, but rather sometimes, affliction is the greatest means for personal growth.
Library: Jewish Renaissance Center  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 28 min.
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